Day 0

Today is a very special day…
Maybe yesterday is the date your mom remember the most.
Last year the same date,
we welcome you to this world with silent.
She shall remember that moment forever throughout her life…
There’s no crying, no cheering, no feeling whatsoever.
The only thing she realized was the doctor took something outta her,
and we were losing the only connections we had with you.
We let you fought alone for your life. 
well… You tried,
and you did well, my son!

It’s very nice to meet you,
even just for that one day!
I know you come all the way from heaven just here to see us
and I must have let you down…
Because I cried like a baby while you calmly lying there.
I know I should be strong;
I should be someone who you can look up to…
but, knowing that I am going to lose you,
just crushed me!
Even till now, my heart still aches.
I still can’t stop my tears just thinking about you…

Today is a very special day…
Last year the same date,
after one exact day visiting the world,
you said goodbye.
I will always remember that day…
I needed to gather myself
and make sure you are officially become my son on paper
before I turn you into ashes…
Your grandpa asked me not to keep any part of you,
but I still found a little bit pieces
and kept you close to my heart…
I miss you, my son…
and I don’t think I will ever forget.

There are many people I need to thank
for taking us through this difficult year…
but, the first person I need to say Thanks is you…
Thank you for making me strong,
so I learned how to be a better father to your sisters & brothers in the future…
Thank you for giving me loves,
so I learned how to be a better lover to your mom
and a better person to my love ones.
And thank you for showing me hope,
so I know no matter what happen everything will be alright…

Today is a very special day…
as you saying goodbye on the other side…
with tears in my eyes,
I can still feel the sunshine.

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