Day 0
This is a new year. A new beginning. And things will change. – Taylor Swift


新年快樂~ 今天是新的一年的第一天。Much Love Crew的進度緩慢.. 十分的緩慢。但是我總是告訴我的夥伴,我們必須將孩子與家庭放為優先,只要我們的孩子有在成長,我們繼續快樂的活著,我們就算是有不錯進度。

在這一年間,不少人問我們在做些什麼?我們如何獲利?我們的產品是什麼?通常我的答案都很冗長,故事從我們的命名開始,如何希望公司與我們的孩子們一起成長,如何希望建立一個充滿愛的社群來一起散播愛到全世界。聽起來像是一個充滿理想但完全缺乏規劃的春秋大夢。但是我必須承認,沒錯,這就是我的樣子!我猜想.. 在我的潛意識裡,這也是我想像Much Love Crew該有的樣子!掙脫那些傳統的思維,在生活中尋找屬於我們的方向,在需求中創造屬於我們的商品,在未來招募志同道合的夥伴及家庭中集思廣益,塑造屬於我們獨特的個性。但是我們的主軸是非常清楚的,就是”愛、家庭及永續生活。”


Who We Are.

We are a small group from different walks of life but tied together with a passion for making the world a better place for our kids.

Where We Are Headed.

Our goal is to be sustainable so we can donate 10% straight away from all sales and events to charitable causes that also align with our vision.

How We Will Get There.

Everything we sell or promote revolves around love, family, and sustainability. We want to be involved in and donate to charitable causes all while teaching our kids the value in working hard to give back. We tell our stories on our blog to inspire others to think about ways they can help as well, truly believing that no action is too big or small.

How Can You Get Involved?

  • Submit your inspiring stories of positivity on the blog
  • Participate in workshops and events (ie. Hike ‘n Pick)
  • Come up with own storefront with your kids involved
  • Share your dreams and we can see how to make it happen!
  • Share Much Love Crew with your friends! To follow our official website and our facebook page

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